ReoTrade s.r.o.

Laboratorní přístroje pro rozbory ropných látek
a tribotechnickou diagnostiku

Referenční vzorky

Certifikované referenční vzorky

Katalogové číslo Procedura Hodnota Kapalina Metoda Objem
Ref. 60018 Density at 15°C 743Kg/m3 DE-GA-617 ASTM D 4052 250 ml
Ref. 60020 Automatic
34°C - 180°C DI-GA-617 ASTM D 86 250 ml 
Ref. 60019 Reid Vapor
58,9 kPa VP-GA-617 ASTM D 323 250ml
Ref. 60021 Motor Octane
85,7 OM-GA-617 ASTM D 2700 1000 ml
Ref. 60022 Research Octane
97,5 OR-GA-617 ASTM D 2699 1000 ml
Ref. 60029 Sulphur content 15 mg/kg SU-GA-617 ISO 20846 250 ml
Ref. 60024 Density at 15°C 799Kg/m3 DE-KR-415 ASTM D 4052 250 ml
Ref. 60025 Freezing Point -48,9°C FR-KR-415 ASTM D 2386 250 ml
Ref. 60030 Automatic
161°C - 257°C DI-KR-415 ASTM D 86 250 ml
Ref. 60026 Cinematic
Viscosity at - 20°C
3,5 cSt VI-415-20 ASTM D 445 250 ml
Ref. 60031 Abel flash point 40,9°C AB-KR-415 IP 170 250 ml
Ref. 60028 Anline Point  56,44°C AP-KR-415 ASYM D 611 250 ml
Ref. 60001 Density at 15°C 836Kg/m3 DE-GO-414 ASTM D 4052 50 ml
Ref. 60010 Density at 15°C 832Kg/m3 DE-GO-419 ASTM D 4052 250 ml
Ref. 60002 Cloud Point -17°C CP-GO-419 ASTM D 2500 250 ml
Ref. 60003 Pour Point  -22°C PP-GO-419 ASTM D 97 250 ml
Ref. 60004 Cold Filter
Plugging Point
-20°C CF-GO-419 EN116/IP309 250 ml
Ref. 60011 Cetane Number 52,2 CN-GO-419 ASTM D 613 1000 ml
Ref. 60005 Automatic
193°C to 320°C DI-GO-419 ASTM D 86 250 ml
Ref. 60006 Pensky-Martens Flash Point 74,5°C PM-GO-419 ASTM D 93 250 ml
Ref. 60014 Sulphur Content 296 mg/kg SU-GO-414 All methods 50 ml
Ref. 60015 Sulphur Content 48,5 mg/Kg SU-GO-419 ASTM D 5453 50 ml
Ref. 60017 Sulphur Content 4,7 mg/Kg SU-GO-255 ASTM D 5453 50 ml
Ref. 60007 Density at 15°C 882 Kg/m3 DE-LU-482 ASTM D 4052 250 ml
Ref. 60008 Cleveland Flash
243°C FC-LU-482 ASTM D 92 250 ml
Ref. 60009 Pensky-Martens Flash Point 213°C PM-LU-146 ASTM D 93 250 ml

Na žačátek dokumentu

Kinematická viskozita

Catalog#    Viscosity Standard Table I
Approx. Kinematic Viscosity in mm2/s (Centistokes) Saybolt Viscosity
20°C 68°F 25°C 77°F 37.78°C 100°F 40°C 104°F 50°C 122°F 60°C 140°F 98.89°C 210°F 100°C 212°F SUS 100°F SUS 210°F SFS 122°F
9727-C10 N.4(b) 0.47 0.45 0.41 - - - - - - - -
9727-C15 N.8(b) 0.95 0.89 0.77 0.75 - - - - - - -
9727-C20 N1.0(b) 1.3 1.2 1.0 0.97 0.91 - - - - - -
9727-C25 S3(a) 4.6 4.0 3.0 2.9 2.4 - 1.2 1.2 - - -
9727-C30 S6 11 8.9 6.0 5.7 4.4 - 1.8 1.8 - - -
9727-C32 N10 21 17 11 10 7.3 - 2.7 2.7 - - -
9727-C35 S20 44 34 20 18 13 - 3.9 3.8 100 - -
9727-C37 N35 87 66 35 32 21 - 5.4 5.3 170 - -
9727-C40 S60 170 120 60 54 35 - 7.5 7.3 280 - -
9727-C42 N100 330 230 110 97 60 - 11 11 500 - -
9727-C45 S200 660 460 200 180 105 - 17 16 930 86 -
9727-C47 N350 1300 850 350 310 170 - 24 23 - 110 -
9727-C50 S600 2400 1600 600 520 280 - 34 33 - 150 130
9727-C52 N1000 3400 2400 - 940 550 350 - 80 - - -
9727-C55 S2000 9600 5900 2000 1700 890 - 72 69 - 361 -
9727-C57 N4000 20000 12000 - 3400 1600 850 - 120 - - -
9727-C60 S8000 41000 25000 8000 6700 3200 - - 240 - - -
9727-C62 N15000 77000 47000 - 13000 6100 3000 - 360 - - -
9727-C65 S30000 - 89000 28000 23000 11000 - - 630 - - -

(a) Also 70 cSt at -40°C (-40°F)
(b) Incurs additional shipping charges due to low flash point.

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Nízkoteplotní viskozita

Catalog#    Viscosity Standard Table III
Approx. Viscosity in mPa?s (cP) Kinematic    Viscosity      mm2/s      (cSt)
20°C 68°F 25°C 77°F 40°C 104°F 60°C 140°F 135°C 275°F 60°C 140°F 135°C 275°F
9727-E10 N600 - 1400 - 140 - 160 12
9727-C52 N1000* - 2000 - 280 - 350 -
9727-E15 N2000 - 4900 - 380 - 440 26
9727-C57 N4000* - 11000 - 730 - 850 -
9727-E20 N8000 - 20000 - 1400 - 1600 -
9727-C62 N15000* - 41000 - 2600 - 3000 -
9727-E25 N30000 130000 80000 - 4700 - 5400 -
9727-E27 N62000 - 200000 - 13000 - - -
9727-E29 N150000 - 420000 - 24000 - - -
9727-E30 N190000 900000 520000 140000 33000 - - -
9727-E35 N450000 - 1600000 - 100000 2350 - -
9727-E40 N270000 - 5300000 - 340000 - - -
9727-E42 N2700000SP Dynamic Shear Rheometer (DSR) standard at 52, 58, 64, 70, & 76°C

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Dynamická viskozita

Catalog#    Viscosity Standard Table IV • Low-Temperature Viscosity Standards
9727-G10 N27B viscosities in centipoise at -40, -30, -20, -15, -10, 0°F
9727-G15 N115B viscosities in centipoise at -20, -15, -10, 0, 10, 20°F
9727-G25 N60B 150000 mPa•s (cP) at -55°C
9727-G30 N120B 150000 mPa•s (cP) at -40°C
9727-G35 N480B 150000 mPa•s (cP) at -26°C
9727-G40 N1400B 150000 mPa•s (cP) at -12°C
9727-G45 N2B Jet Fuel standard, 8 mm2/s at -20°C
9727-G50 N74B 3400 mPa•s (cP) at 0°C
9727-G55 N38B 3100 mPa•s (cP) at -10°C
9727-G60 N25B 8000 mPa•s (cP) at -25°C
9727-G65 N14B 17000 mPa•s (cP) at -40°C

Na žačátek dokumentu

Cold Cranking Simulator

Catalog#    Viscosity Standard Table V ?Aprox. Viscosity in mPa?s (centipoises)
-5°C  -10°C  -15°C  -20°C  -25°C  -30°C  -35°C
9727-N06 CL10 - - - - - - 1700
9727-N08 CL12 - - - - - 1600 3200
9727-N10 CL14 - - - - 1600 3250 7000
9727-N12 CL16 - - - - 2500 5500 11000
9727-N14 CL19 - - - 1800 3500 7400 17000
9727-N18 CL22 - - 1300 2500 5100 11100 -
9727-N22 CL25 - - 1800 3500 7400 17200 -
9727-N26 CL28 - 1300 2500 5000 9300 - -
9727-N30 CL32 - 1800 3500 7300 15900 - -
9727-N32 CL38 - 2900 5800 13000 - - -
9727-N34 CL48 2300 4500 9500 21000 - - -
9727-N36 CL60 3700 7300 15600 - - - -
9727-N38 CL74 6000 12000 - - - - -
9727-N42 8CL Set of eight CCS viscosity standards

Na žačátek dokumentu

CMRV (Cannon Mini-Rotary Viscometer)

Catalog#   Viscosity Standard Table VI •Approx. Viscosity in mPa•s (centipoise)
9727-T10 N105B CMRV viscosity standard, 30000 mPa•s (cP) at -20°C
9727-T15 N400B CMRV viscosity standard, 60000 mPa•s (cP) at -25°C
9727-T20 YS-30 Exhibits yield stress of 70 Pa ± 35 Pa at -30°C
9727-T25 YS-35 Exhibits yield stress of 70 Pa ± 35 Pa at -35°C

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